
Karthika Masam 2013

Karthika Masam 2013, When is Kartika masam in 2013?, Kathika Month 2013, Karthika Masam Dates 2013, Kartika Masa Dates, Karthik Mahina 2013 Dates, Karthika Month dates 2013, Karthika Masam Starts 2013, Karthik Month 2013, When is Kartika month in 2013?

As per North Indian Purnimant calenders Karthika Masam begins on Saturday 19th October 2013 and ends on Sunday 17th November 2013.That is on Kathika Pournami Day. According to Amavasyant calenders, Karthika masam starts on Swasthi Sri Chandramana Sri Vijayanama samvathsara Karthika Sudha Poudyami Monday 4th November 2013 and ends on Monday 2nd December 2013. Karthika nakshatram falls during Purnima (full moon day) in this month hence called as Kathika Month. Starting from Monday every evening at 6.15pm Askasa Deepaardhana and Shiva Abhishekam will be performed. Kathika Month every Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Kathika Month is very auspicious and holy month in Hinduism.

Karthika Masam 2013
Karthika Masam 2013

Kathika Month devotees observe fasting especially on Monday and on that day Karthika somvar vrat will be observed. In the evening devotes will went to lord Shiva Temples and light the lamps in the front of the god and offer aarthi, prayers to the god. Lord Shiva temples will be filled with most of the devotes.


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